Welcome to the March/April installment of the 2016 Houston Modern Quilt Guild Medallion Along!
This month, we will be making the second round, which consists of sixteen Depression blocks, each measuring 6” finished, and the third round, consisting of a 1” finished inner border.
The Depression block, pictured below, is a fantastic scrap buster, but also works well with Fat Quarters. Each block consists of sixteen half square triangles that are 1 ½” finished (2” unfinished), each with a light half and a dark half.

Using your favorite method, you should make a total of 256 HSTs measuring 2”. Divide these up into sixteen sets of sixteen HSTs, and arrange them as shown below. Sew each block, using a scant ¼” seam allowance.

Once you have your sixteen blocks completed, sew them together into four sections, two having three blocks each, and two having five blocks each. You should then have two sections each measuring 6 ½” x 18 ½” and two sections measuring 6 ½” x 30 ½”. You should note that as we continue adding rounds, any deviation in your seam allowance can really start to add up! You should pin each section to your medallion prior to sewing it on, and can take in or let out a seam or two as needed.

Don’t forget that our only rule for this QAL is “Make it Your Own” so if you don’t feel you can make all 16 depression blocks, make twelve and use solid cornerstones, or make four and use those as cornerstones with solid pieces of fabric in between. Or come up with something all your own!
Next, sew the two shorter sections to the top and bottom of your medallion.

Then sew the two longer sections to the remaining two sides. At this point your medallion quilt top should measure 30 ½” square.

This month we are also adding the third round, a simple 1” finished inner border. For this, simply cut 2 strips 1 ½” x 30 ½” and 2 strips 1 ½” x 32 ½”. Sew the two shorter strips to the top and bottom of your medallion, and then sew the two longer strips to either side. At this point your medallion quilt top should measure 32 ½” square.
Here's the latest installation of the Medallion Quilt along progress. We started with the 12" finished center medallion plus February's addition, the Goosing Borders, a free pattern available on Craftsy from Jeli Quilts. The next steps are your depression blocks and border. We can't wait to see what you make, so remember to bring your progress to the next meeting, and tag your photos on Instagram with #hmqgmedallion.